An Easy Guide on Learning How to Play Gel Ball


Gel ball is a fun and exciting sport that is rapidly gaining popularity around the world. It is a team-based game that is similar to paintball, but instead of using paint-filled pellets, players use soft gel balls that is made of a water-absorbent polymer. The gel balls are fired from guns that resemble actual firearms, but they are completely safe and do not cause any harm. In this article, we will provide you with an easy guide on how to play gel ball with a hook, which is a common strategy used by players to gain an advantage over their opponents.

What is Gel Ball?

Gel ball is a fast-paced sport that originated in China and has quickly spread to other countries. It is a team-based game that is played outdoors and involves two teams trying to eliminate each other by hitting their opponents with gel balls. The game is similar to paintball, but the gel balls are much smaller and do not leave any stains or mess. Gel ball guns are typically air soft-style replicas of real firearms, and they shoot the soft gel balls at a velocity of around 280 feet per second.

What is a Hook in Gel Ball?

A hook is a strategy that is commonly used by gel ball players to gain an advantage over their opponents. The hook involves shooting a gel ball in a way that it curves around an obstacle and hits the target from an unexpected angle. This can be particularly effective when playing in a field with lots of cover, such as trees, buildings, or bunkers. By using a hook, a player can hit an opponent who is behind cover, without exposing themselves to return fire.

How to Use a Hook in Gel Ball?

Using a hook in gel ball requires a bit of practice and skill, but it can be mastered with time. Here are the steps you need to follow to use a hook effectively:

  1. Identify Your Target: Before attempting a hook, you need to identify your target and the obstacle that is between you and your target. Look for any gaps or openings in the obstacle that you can shoot through.
  2. Adjust Your Aim: Once you have identified your target and the obstacle, you need to adjust your aim accordingly. You will need to aim slightly to the left or right of your target, depending on the direction you want the gel ball to curve.
  3. Use The Hop-Up: The hop-up is a feature on most gel ball guns that allows you to put backspin on the gel ball. This causes the ball to curve in the air and can help you execute a hook. Adjust the hop-up according to the distance and wind conditions.
  4. Fire the Shot: Once you have adjusted your aim and hop-up, fire the shot and watch as the gel ball curves around the obstacle and hits your target.


In conclusion, learning how to play gel ball with a hook is a great way to gain an advantage over your opponents and become a more effective player. By using the tips and techniques outlined in this article, you can improve your accuracy and increase your chances of hitting your target. Gel ball is a fun and exciting sport that is enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels, and we encourage everyone to give it a try. So grab your gel ball gun, practice your hooks, and get ready for some intense and thrilling game play!


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